Music by Michael Hersch
Libretto by Stephanie Fleischmann
Michael Hersch continues the tradition of the great 'lone wolves' in the USA ... he is the explorer of an unconditional, radical expressivity that reveals the human abyss without any palliation. In music. In a new, crystal-clear beauty.— Georg Friedrich Haas
Thirty-two years after the world premiere of Beat Furrer’s one-act opera Die Blinden at the Odeon, Wien Modern again ventures to present on the same stage the major operatic debut of an extraordinary composer, Michael Hersch.— Wien Modern
Nominee for the 2023 Austrian Music Theater Prize for Best Contemporary Music Theater

New Focus Recordings (FCR-390)
Release Date: February 23, 2024
A production of Wien Modern and ZeitRäume Basel
Ah Young Hong / Steve Davislim / Silke Gäng
Ensemble SoloVoices
Ensemble Phoenix Basel
Jürg Henneberger
POPPAEA | Trailer
courtesy of ZeitRäume Basel - Biennale für neue Musik und Architektur
"the first major highlight of the Wien Modern Festival" (Kronen Zeitung)
"an emotional power and effect that by no means every contemporary score can claim for itself" (Opern News)
"it is the music that - with its subtle, ecstatic pressure -
provides the most immediate effect. Hersch combines fragility and expressiveness" (Der Standard)
- Duration ca. 110' (one act)
- Libretto Stephanie Fleischmann
- Characters Poppaea – soprano, Nero – tenor or baritone, Octavia – mezzo-soprano, Handmaidens – 2 sopranos, 1 mezzo-soprano, Additional female chorus – 2 soprano sections, 1 mezzo-soprano section
- Instrumentation 1 Fl., 1 Ob., 1 Bb Cl., 1 Bass Cl. (sep. player), 2 Alt. Sax., 1 Bn., 1 Cnt. Bn., 1 Hn., 1 Tpt., 1 Trb., 1 Perc., 1 Pno., 2 Vln., 1 Vla., 1 Vc., 1 Db. Bs.
Premiere Date
September 10 and 12, 2021 - ZeitRäume Basel – Biennial for New Music and Architecture
November 5-7, 2021 - Wien Modern Festival, Vienna, Austria
World Premiere Production
Ah Young Hong, Poppaea
Steve Davislim, Nero
Silke Gäng, Octavia
Ensemble SoloVoices
Ensemble Phoenix Basel
Jürg Henneberger, Conductor
Markus Bothe, Stage Director
Piertzovanis Töws Architekten, Stage Design
Eva Butzkies, Costumes
Marius Kob, Puppets
"Hersch ... with librettist Fleischmann radically turns the gaze onto the title character ...
Hersch clothes this tableau of the deranged in a surprisingly emotionally charged score." (Salzburger Nachrichten)
POPPAEA | Trailer II
courtesy of the Wien Modern Festival
"... the antique mass graves were no prettier" by Michael Hersch
"Poppaea in History and on the Stage" by Lauren Donovan Ginsberg
"POPPAEA" by Stephanie Fleischmann
Interview with soprano Ah Young Hong
"What Has Changed Since Then?" by Bernhard Günther
"Telling of the End of Poppaea" by Markus Bothe
"ON POPPAEA" by Heinrich Toews and Ioannis Piertzovanis
Szenen einer Todesehe (Der Standard)
Die Geliebte des Kaisers Nero wird hier eine Lady Macbeth (Kurier)
Ein Festival-Höhepunkt (Kronen Zeitung)
"Poppaea" bei Wien Modern als Blut-Rausch (Salzburger Nachrichten)
Lust, Schmerz und Cyberpunk (Die Presse)
Gewaltrausch & Plastik: Wien Modern zeigt "Poppaea" (O.R.F. Radio Feature)
POPPAEA – Opernuraufführung von Michael Hersch (Oper in Österreich)
POPPAEA Kommt Nach Wien Modern (ORF Television Feature)
Geliebte gegen Gattin, oder: Der Fluch der Niedertracht (Opern.News)
Jenseits von Gut und Böse (FALTER Magazine)
Hersch/Fleischmann: Poppaea (Air Mail)
Festival ZeitRäume Basel to Stage World Premiere of Michael Hersch and Stephanie Fleischmann’s ‘Poppaea’ (Operawire)
POPPAEA - Second Opera by Composer Michael Hersch to Receive World Premiere in Basel (Broadway World)
Stadt, Mensch und urbaner Sound im Wandel (ProgrammZeitung)
Freispruch für „Poppaea“ in Basel? – Nicht in Michael Herschs Oper (Neue Musikzeitung)
Massakrierte Puppen und Pet-Flaschen-Vorhänge: So lief die Uraufführung der «Poppaea»-Oper ab (Basellandschaftliche Zeitung)
"the risk was worth it ... the music of Michael Hersch, shocks and touches in equal measure." (O.R.F)
POPPAEA | Feature
Austrian ORF Television Feature on the Wien Modern Festival's Presentation of POPPAEA
Production Photos
Photo Credits: ©Piertzovanis Toews, ©Prismago, ©Susanna Drescher, ©Markus Sepperer